
Friday, February 10, 2012

Where Are You At?

Good evening everyone!  Hope your Friday night and weekend will be adventurous!  Here in the tri-state area of Cincinnati, the news casters and meteorologists are going crazy.  I mean we got some snow today...
{for those of you who have forgotten what snow is, here is a picture}
But the snow we got here today has mostly melted away and did so even before the snow had a chance to accumulate to anything.  This is very sad to me as I love snow!  I just don't like to really drive in it but other than that, I love snow!
See!  I'm not fibbing! 
So yea, the news people got a little carried away I think as did the DJ's on the radio this afternoon.  The way they were talking we would have been looking like this by morning...
but actually right now it's more like this outside...
Hehehe, sorry couldn't resist.  But there isn't much of anything, however it is getting colder, that's the only thing to get excited about.

I saw a picture today that I wanted to share with you.  I want you to look at it closely and really think about it and what it means to you.
To me I can identify with this so much and for not just one thing in my life but a lot of things going on right now.  What this makes me aware of and I think we need to be reminded of this sometimes is that we are the ones who can hold ourselves back and we are also the ones who can launch us forward.  That is what this picture is telling me.  Perhaps you have your own interpretations for this and if so I would really like to hear them. Everything in life is a process that takes time and effort and energy, when I set out to do something I for some odd reason think that I will get it completed; whatever the said task is; today!  I think I have a huge problem with TODAY.  I feel I have to do everything in one day.  Why is that?  Then I just go and drive me and others around me nuts because I set myself up to fail...again.  
So what I am going to do is take from this picture that there are steps in everything.  Not necessarily steps of "pessimism", but just steps in general and that certain things take time and I shouldn't beat myself up over not getting something completed in one afternoon, evening, day, etc.. What are your thoughts on this?

signature Pictures, Images and Photos


Birdie said...

Love the graph - truly inspirational. Wish our snow would be more like yours, as in gone :P

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