
Monday, January 9, 2023

Organization Anyone?

Organization Anyone?

I have been on a mission to completely organize my supplies.  Because we all know allto well that if we cannot see it, we don't use it. Well typically we don't.  I have decided that I am going to do all my stamps on Evernote.  I use to stamp every single stamp in a set or however it came, give it a home in my Totally Tiffany pages on my ScrapRack.  Now I will still put everything in it's place in the scrap rack and use the same system except  now it should go faster since going forward I will not have to stamp everything.  I simply look up the stamp set and get a photo of it, title the set using the location first and then the title of the set and so on.  I have already got a lot of the stamp set photos and then I just need to put them into the Evernote system.  While I admmit, I do like stamping everything because it gives me an idea of how it will stamp or even it its a good one to use.  But this will be so much faster and I will have more time to play and create vs working on this project which has taken years so far and I am not done with logging everything.  I have most, but not all.  At least nothing  that I have purchased lately. 
I fully intend on doing this with my metal dies.  I seem to have more and more of those and buy duplicates.  It will be nice to havea it all done!  I will also do this with m,y inks, stencils,  Copic Markers, paints, and any othger medium I use on   the regular. Some things it wouldn't really be useful for l,ike embellishments since those are normally a one and done.  But I will see.

I was look at my blog last night and just remember allthe projects I would make and post about, all the design teams I was on along with joining in on challenges.  I would really LOVE to get back into a routine of doing things like this.  I will admit that I still am not in a place where I was years ago and still feel the loss of my mom from Aug 2021.  I get down  a lot more and mope about and hgave little to no interest in crafting.  So i think that by doing this, I get to see all my things I own and see how fun they were to create with.  i need to get back to that place where I truly enjoy crafting again.  I have been thinking about getting back more into scrapbooking which is where I started oh so long ago.  But I have been wanting to try some mixed media/art journaling too. I think that would be a lot of fun, to just let it go and see where it takes me. 

Some other fun news is that I made several sales on my etsy account lately. It's not a lot but I had 4 in 3 days and I was just tickled to death with that!  I need to make more of my birthday calendars. That seems to sell the most.  I want to make more magnets too.  I bought a lot of the items needed to create a bunch but I slipped into a funk and that was that. If I keep at it and just don't give in to the sadness maybe I can havea good crafting year.  I purchased a nice canapy to use at craft shows last year, I'd like to be able to use it this year.  I am learning more on my Cricut Maker so that is a lot of fun. I can make Iron-on's, wreaths using vinyl, leather items like jewelry and Keychains. I havethe cricut cup maker and i LOVE making cups! It just takes the time on my part to continue to learn it. To keep at it. To want it. To do it.

Maybe I am writing this all downfor all to see so that I will hold myself accountable in these endeavors I want to accomplish. I bought some planners, yes that is plural.  I got some from Erin Condrin and I love all her stuff, let's make this the year I actually use it all the year through! I got another planner from....I can't remember the name of it but I'll post it when I am home and can get that information.  But I got that planner because it's one you can color in and I'm going to make that my craft planner. I also got a planner on my tablet off etsy. It's for people who have ADHD, which I it helps a lot with that too. 

I am going to end it here. My lunch break is now over. I will post more about how everything is coming along. I do have more crafts to upload, so I'll do that In my next post.

I hope you do something crafty today!

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Thursday, June 23, 2022

It's Summer! Let's Create Something Great!

Hello, my crafty friends!

So it is now officially Summer...the heat has been almost unbearable here in Mt. Orab.  We are keeping cool though by trying to stay indoors and limit a lot of outdoor activities. I do want to get outside and work on some flowers around our house and I hope to do that soon. 

So a few changes since last I wrote.  I now am working with a new property management group as a property manager.  This position suits me very well because of the core values this company has that my previous employer lacked. I think that after my mom passed away last August I just changed.  I had to reevaluate what it is that I wanted for myself and how I wanted more options and to really feel as if I did something positive during my work day.  This new job has been everything that I think I could ask for.  They are a great group of people to work with and I am happy about that. 

I do want to share some new cards that I have done over the past months.  I do hope you like them!

I do have a lot more cards and items to show you but I will post some more at another time.

What is Next?

I am working on making some more cards and also want to make some mini-album flipbooks that people can keep photos and other memorabilia in.  Perhaps some journals too. I have also wanted to start making scrapbooks and scrapbook pages.  The type that I started with, ones that made you look inside yourself and create what you see.  I loved doing those monthly challenges. They kept me on my toes and I learned a lot about myself.  

Until we meet again, I hope you create something wonderful!
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Tuesday, February 8, 2022

It's COOOOLD!!!!

I hope you have all been well.  We all survived the great winter storm of 2022 over the last week & weekend.  Where I am we first got ICE then SLEET and on top of all that we got about 2-3 inches of SNOW. Here are a few photos from my house.  We didn't leave out of the house for four days. 

I have been working on my Cricut Maker lately and my new Cricut Mug Press. Oh My I love this mug press.
I have also been making some signs with my Maker too.

Thank you so much for stopping by today. I hope you like what I have created and I hope you create something wonderful today too!!!
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Wednesday, January 12, 2022

It's late...or early?!

Hello, my crafty friends! I've missed you, and have some fun new cards I've created recently. 

I won't be able to post all I've done because it's nearly 4am and I'm thinking sleep...maybe? 😴😳

Side note,  how many people had some snow this week? We got about 1/2- 1 inch, and it was AWESOME! I am that odd duck who truly loves winter and snow ❄. This was my first time commuting to our house in the snow. So that was fun. It really wasn't so bad.

Here are a few of my latest creations; let me know how you like them. Please leave a comment. I'd love to hear from you and your thoughts on these cards. Feedback is essential and very helpful! 

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Sunday, December 26, 2021

Cat Pocket Journal

Good morning everyone! I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas & that you are getting ready to start using all those new supplies Santa brought for you yesterday.
I ordered from some Nuvo Embellishment Mousse.  I had no idea what it was or how to use it but it was on sale and I was thinking to myself, "Why not!".  This stuff is amazing and I cannot wait to use it again. 
I actually bought 3 colors.  Pink Flambe, Lilac Lavender, and Spring Green. They are all water-based and it was very easy to use with a small craft spatula. 
Here is a closer look at how the Paws turned out on the book.  It was spread out over the stencil evenly. See how it is raised and the detail is perfect.  I highly recommend this for a few reasons. 
1. It's a quick and easy way to add texture to almost any project
2. Vibrant colors
3. No messy clean-up

The Catbook that I am making is for a swap. Basically, you take a small composition book and decorate it with nothing but cats!  How could you not LOVE that?! 

Well, I just wanted to stop in and show off this Nuvo Mousse and how great it works with stencils.  I am sure it will be fun to see what other things I can create using these.

Enjoy your Sunday everyone and remember to create something beautiful today!
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Friday, December 24, 2021

I Really Am Back This Time!

So I last posted in March of 2016...that was nearly 5 1/2 years ago!!! Oh my goodness.  There have been so many changes in my life in that time.  Some great  & some horrible.

I will make my "list" as short as I can to bring everyone up to speed.
My son Kevin and his wife Kelly were married and they had a son, Ethan who was born in 2017. They have a daughter also, her name is Violet and she was born in 2020!

                                 Next up is my daughter Kristin

Kristin is now a Flight Attendant!!!  She loves it and flys all over.  I will admit I am a wee bit jealous.  So I sometimes live vicariously through her 😂😂😂.  She is going to work on getting her pilot's license and so she will be working on that in the next couple of years.  She is hardworking and so I have no doubt she will achieve her goal. She did have to move out to Denver Colorado and that, of course, is very hard but we do talk a lot and text often!

Eric & I celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary this year. We are still very much in love and truly happy. 

We purchased our first home this year! Just moved in November 2021. We love it

 That about does it for the really good news.

In July of 2021, my mom was diagnosed with Stage 4 ovarian cancer.  She passed away on August 17, 2021.  She was 88 and probably the most caring and loving woman I will ever have the privilege to know. I miss her so much and it has been so hard.  She will never visit our new home which saddens me immensely, but she fills our new home with love regardless.  I have her in my heart and she is always here with me.  I love you mom and miss you so much!

I do not want to make this a sad post so I will move on and show you some of the crafty items that I have been working on!  

Some Christmas cards I made last year and this year. Just a few of them here:

My goal here is to try to come on here so much more now. I want to create more and just get back in touch with my friends who I knew from long ago on here and also hoping to make some new ones!  I think I really lost touch with my creative side and now I think it is time for it to show itself! 

Until next time (which won't be too long). 

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